A Strong Letter to Labor Minister on Eps 95 Pensioners unsolved Problems

A Strong Letter to Labor Minister on Eps 95 Pensioners unsolved Problems
A Strong Letter to Labor Minister on Eps 95 Pensioners unsolved Problems

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The Labor Minister,

Ministry of Labor and Employment

Govt of India,

EPS95 Pension Latest News

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New Delhi.

Sub:- Non-resolving the burning issues of Eps 95 Pensioners- Raising Minimum / Higher

pension   and  other demands

Ref:- Assurance given by the Hon. Prime Minister during meeting os 04/03/2020.

Respected Sir,

You are aware as per assurance and advice by yourself, the National Agitation Committee of Eps 95 Pensioners stopped agitation in the country and kept only the chain hunger strike continued at our NAC Head quarters Buldhana since last 879 days.
Sir, we have shown our restrain and patience being elderly citizens of India considering the Covid 19 situation in our country. But the members have lost the faith in your Ministry, as a Government promise given by you is thrown in the dustbin by the Ministry officials.
The Labour Ministry Secretariat not only deaf and dumb but are bluntly speaking lies even to the Parliamentary Committee. This is on record and pointed out to you by us time and again.
The Government of India leniently considered the poor condition of farmers and extended financial help to them. But your Ministry do not shown any mercy to Eps 95 Pensioners and not granted a single rupee to us as financial help in pandemic even if we have contributed throughout our services.
The clear assurance given by the Hon”ble Prime Minister has been turned down by your Labour Ministry. This shows your Ministry intensionally instigating the 67 Lakh Eps 95 Pensoners and their family members to “Launch agitation against the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi”. The act by your Ministry is taken very seriously by us in the interest of our Nation.
Therefore the NAC has decided to launch a One-day hunger strike through the country by the maximum number of Eps 95 Pensioners on 1st July 2021. Considering the pandemic situation the members will observe agitation at the home and it will be informed to all concerned.
The responsibility of any health problem arised to any agitaion pensioner will rest on the Ministry of Labour Officials and the Minister too.
Hope your Minister will try to be with the assurances given by the Hon’ble Prime Minister.


(Commander Ashok Raut)
National President
Copy submitted with the request to:-
Hon, Prime Minister,
Govt of India, New Delhi,

Hon, Home Minister
with a request to look into the act of Ministry of Labour officials to instigate Eps 95 Pensioners intentionally.

Original Letter of Shri Ashok Rout follows down here

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