Epf 95 pensioners latest meetings in Mysore

On Decy24 th evening Commander Ashok Raut President NAC, General secretary Virendrssingh,Mrs Shobha National president Womens wing, Mrs Laxmi Karavadi South India Coordinator of Women’s wing and Ramakant Nargund Chief coordinator South India reached *Mysore* Karnatka at 5.30pm.

Huge gathering representing different organisations were present in the railway station to well come us.

We all together reached the venue and NAC team greeted Mysore team for expressing their affectionate feelings towards us.

Senior leaders of NAC and

Mr S P Ningegowda President and General secretary Mr R G Mohankrishna also spoke and expressed their views towards Eps 95 movement.

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Ramakant Nargund 

Chief coordinator south India