EPS 95 Pension-Various Attempts of Poor Pensioners

These type of attempts are highly required to popularise the financial problems of EPS 95 Poor Pensioners. Thanks to 

ShamRao , National secretary ,

All EPS 95 Pensioners are requested to write and send Letters in the form of Representation of Pensioners problems with RPAD.Let all the MPs of Whole India be educated and alerted.

EPS 95 pensioners pensioners coordination committee ,

 BIDAR , Karnataka 

EPS95 Pension Latest News

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Dr Subramanian Swamy 

Hon’ble member fcof parliament , 

New  Delhi .

 Sub: pension under EPS 95 , reg .

Respected sir ,

    I  would like to take your precious time for few minutes on an issue of major problem caused to EPS 95 pensioners . Perhaps it may have come to , or it may have already been in your knowledge , I hope , which is however detailed herein by me in brief as an eps 95 pensioner .

 The employees pension scheme 1995 of EPFO (employees provident fund organisation, new delhi )that came into effect for  purpose of betterment of  workmen after their retirement from services through a pension system with a share of 8.33 percent of wages out of 12 percent recovery from employers with 1.16 percent of govt share to the pension fund of EPFO at a ceiling limit regardless of actual wages drawn under P F perview  and the total provident fund contributory  service , has turned out to be Night’mare  in the lives of pensioners . Whose interest has been served by this scheme is hardly understood by pensioners since this pension does not serve it’s very purpose putting them into untold sufferings , altogether not being defined of it’s objective .

     The majority of EPS 1995 pensioners who belong to poor category , having no scope of higher pension or little bit , negligible higher pension that makes no difference , under the existing provisions of the scheme are provided a meagre pension without dearance allowance  in the range of less than Rs 1000 to Rs about Rs 3000 at maximum against the contribution made to the pension fund to be retained by the EPFO as it’s capital . The pension provided in this range , having been kept unrevised for the past about 20 years without the provision of dearance allowance, (requisite part of service pension)  is mockery of the pension system that has made the lives of EPS pensioners miserable and pathetic obviously speakable of it’s quantum,quite insufficient to meet the basic needs of livihood and medical expenses in the present cost of living . 

The pension system of EPS 95 is in total contrary to the better pension system of govt pensioners with medical facilities who are taken care of their requirement of present days  by the respective govts . While these pensioners who worked in industries day and night on shift basis in production sectors , transport services , defence equipments  and other essential  services , are snatched of normal life what they had , getting denied of  their  constitutional and human rights .

     All the successive govts that came into power at the center  from the date of inception of employees pension scheme 1995 have not taken the consquences of the scheme seriously despite  the deplorable conditions and hardships faced by pensioners in livihood  surviving in desolate and despair with  dependency on others  in case of their no other source of income .The plight of the EPS pensioners only  known to  them  is hardly understood by other class of citizens except social thinkers and the citizens upholding humanity principles . The hon’ble govt , now in it’s second term , which had promised for the reform of the EPS 1995 with immediate hike in minimum pension with dearance allowance before the general election in the year 2014 to the voters of the EPS 95 pensioners , has not yet settled problem and continues to be reluctant till now for resolution of  the issue even after it’s seven years ! 

  The pensioners, devalued and degraded after retirement from their services that have catered to the needs of citizens of the country , contributing to the GDP growth of the nation at large are now crying in wilderness for justice , being  unable to meet their own basic needs .     

 The hon’ble union govt is not solving the problem caused by the defeciancies of the scheme  on the memorandums given with the details and the peaceful non-violent protests being conducted by the pensioners at the places from District to state capitals and New Delhi for years together against the injustice that has been perpetuated for more than two decades .

  It is a general openion, not specific one, of the pensioners that there is a scope for increase of employer’s share of 8.33 to higher share in it’s limit ( say up to 12 percent or as to be  decided by the govt  ) to the pension fund from prospective date that makes no difference to employers , besides with the increase of govt share from 1.16 to an appropriate higher level with  it’s liability in order to generate adquate  amount to the pension fund than the present for better pension system with the provision of dearance allowance that serve it’s  intended purpose in letter and spirit  for welbeing of pensioners under the present circumstances  

  Sir , Could we seek your kind help by your timely advice to the hon’ble govt that gets honoured to a desirable extent  we believe , to accede to the demand ( being the actual requirement ) for immediate hike in minimum pension to Rs 7500 with dearance allowance  being sought to be logic for basic maintenance of livihood  which is based on the present valuation of parliamentary committee report 147 ( Koshiyar committee ) given 7 years back and also on the basis of present average cost of life across the country that  stands at about Rs10000  pending revamp of the EPS 95 scheme , in order that they live a stress-free, economically secured  minimum standard life with human dignity without  dependency in last phase of life.   The issue can be solved by an immediate cabinet decision of hon’ble govt with political will taking not much time preferably before 15th august 2020 to be felt happy and joyful by pensioners on  indendance day like other major progressive steps achieved by the hon’ble govt during it’s present term what has not taken place in the past 20 years .

   With high regards 

Your’s sincerely 

ShamRao , National secretary ,

EPS 95 pensioners pensioners coordination committee ,

 BIDAR , Karnataka . shamraobidar585401@gmail.com .  mobile : 9632885896 .

This type of attempts from all parts of India is highly appreciable.