Eps 95 pensioners miserable conditions

Recently, an Eps 95 pensioner has denoted his agony on the financial position of the pensioners under the EPS 95 Scheme in WhatsApp. For the purpose of the pensioners who have not seen it, the matter is selected for publishing on the website. Also it may draw the attention of the concerned authorities and the Government. Thanks to the contributor of the Article.


The government has already increased its contribution of NPS of Central government employees from 10 percent to 14 percent.

Now the central government announced an increase in NPS of public sector bank employees from 10 percent to 14 percent of banks contribution.

Whereas the government is not ready to accept the Koshiary committee report for an increase of government contribution to 8.33 percent from 1.16 percent to EPS pensioners.

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The wonder is the government is not paying even 1.16 percent on above RS 15000/- salary in respect of EPS pensioners who worked for decades in PSU’s. for the development of the country.

The government has removed the ceiling on a family pension of RS 9284/- for PS Banks.

Whereas the government imposes a ceiling on EPS pensioner’s salary of RS 15000/- for the purpose of fixation of EPS pension.

The government says the family pension of PS banks is paltry and increased to 30 percent of the last drawn salary. This would result in an increase of family pension to RS 30000/- to Rs 35000/-. p.m.

While the government which was in opposition during 2013 fought for an increase of minimum pension is now not ready to increase the minimum pension from RS 1000/-

Further, the government argues in Supreme Court against the poor old-aged EPS pensioners with the EPS pensioner’s hard-earned money.

Why The government is very rigid on EPS pensioners while kind enough at government employees and PS Bank employees, is a thousand dollar question.

The government says it has no funds to increase the minimum EPS pension of RS 1000/-. While it said the family pension of PS Banks RS 9284/- is paltry and enhanced to 30 percent which comes up to RS 35000/-.

When the government pensioner gets RS 100000/- as a pension, how far it is justified to get RS 1000/- to RS 3000/- as EPS pension.

How far it is justified to still drag the old aged EPS pensioners to the courts for the legal genuine justified reason when the matter was settled in various high courts in thousands of writ petitions and in the Supreme Court in eleven appeals.

How far it is justified to delay the cases of EPS pensioners in high courts and Supreme Court for years.

The minimum pension of EPS pensioners RS 1000/- :
Worthless than 10 pounds,
Worth Less than 15 dollars.

What can be bought with these RS 1000/-, do not even sufficient to meet one of the following needs of EPS pensioners.

Foodgrains, milk, and medicines
Maidservant at this fag end of life.

Whether such ill fate of old aged EPS pensioners does not tarnish the image of our country before the world.

Whether Sri Narendra Modi PM of India who is doing wonders and becoming world-famous and expected to become a world leader is not aware of such ill fate of EPS pensioners or the matter is misguided to him by the concerned.

I would not like to see the Prime Minister without Sri Narendra Modi ji. But I can’t give a guarantee that every EPS pensioner feels the same who may vote against the present party which is ignoring the ill fate of old-aged EPS pensioners.

The government is taking care of most of the serious issues neglected by the previous governments for the decades, but it is not known why it is not considering the reasons for the defeat of the party posts with as little as less than one thousand votes in many places. Why it can not be attributed to being a reason for unhappiness among the EPS pensioners.

Why the party should lose for a small ignorance.

I Hope Sri Narendra Modi Ji PM of India will definitely look into the matter and ill fate of EPS pensioners and settle once for all.

Sri Narendra Modi PM of India ,

Respected sir,

In view of the above, I submit the following for your kind consideration.

To withdraw the REVIEW PETITION and SLP filed in Supreme Court by EPFO/MOL&E.

To Sanction EPS pension on actual salary as per RC GUPTA judgment to all EPS pensioners immediately.

To sanction minimum EPS pension of RS 10,000/-.

To link EPS pension with price Index.

To revise EPS pension for every Five years.

To Allow Medical facilities to EPS pensioners.

To pay 8.33 percent contribution on salary to Pension Fund.

To sanction Rs 5000/-p.m. to the non-members.

Waiting for early action.

Hope for the best.


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