“Feedback and Suggestions from EPS 95 Pensioner to PM on VIKASITH BHARATH”


Date : 17/03/24.

G Narayana,

Sri Narendra Modi ji,
Hon. Prime Minister of India, VIKASITH BHARATH SAMPARK, New Delhi.

Respected sir,

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I am happy to receive a letter from Sri Narendra Modi ji, The Hon. Prime Minister of India to give feed back and suggessions on fulfilling aspirations on VIKASITH BHARATH.

Sir please try to understand what will be the use of a glass of AMRITH if a drop of paison is mixed in it.

The effort of securing or procuring a glass of AMRITH will go waste if a drop of poison is mixed in it knowingly or unknowingly.

Your good self has done a great job for the development of the country and also brought good will among other developed countries.

Your good self has brought lot of reforms for the development of the country.

Your good self have brought various schemes for the welfare of the poor.

Your good self has enacted various bills which could not be done in previous regime.

But sir,

Ignoring the poor old aged EPS pensioners for the last one decade made all developments to NO DEVELOPMENT.

Please go through the following opinions of the old aged EPS pensioners.

where there is no respect to senior citizens the country can not be called a developed country.

Where there is no respect to the old aged EPS pensioners the country can not be called a developed country.

Where starving old aged are ignored by government the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the old aged EPS pensioners are drawing a minimum of Rs 1000/- pm in these high cost of living days the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the old aged EPS pensioners who served for 3 to 4 decades are to beg for lively hood the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the old aged EPS pensioners who paid taxes during their services are ignored by the government the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the old aged EPS pensioners who have to depend on their children the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the Public & Private sector employees worked for the development of the country are ignored after retirement the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the old aged EPS pensioners are dragged to the courts for implimentation of their rights the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the old aged EPS pensioners cases in courts are treated on par with others the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the grievances of old aged EPS pensioners are not resolved for decades the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the cases of old aged EPS pensioners are pending in courts for decades the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the judgments in more than 1000 cases in various high courts are in favour of old aged EPS pensioners and the government files appeals after appeals against the judgments of various high courts the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the favourable judgments in more than 1000 cases in various high courts of old aged EPS pensioners are reversed by a single supreme Court judgment the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the land mark judgment of RC GUPTA of supreme Court is not implemented the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the EPS pensioners have to spend Rs 500/- (half of their monthly minimum EPS pension) for submission of their Joint options for higher EPS option the country can not be called a developed country.

Where there is no medical care for old aged EPS pensioners the country can not be called a developed country.

Where there is no respect to the voice of MPs in the matter of old aged EPS pensioners in the parliament the country can not be called a developed country.

Where there is no respect to the letters of old aged EPS pensioners/Associations/MPs for the welfare of old aged EPS pensioners the country can not be called a developed country.

Where there are stereo type of replies from the government to the grievances of old aged EPS pensioners the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the political parties assure the old aged EPS pensioners of their welfare and ignore for a decades after being elected the country can not be called a developed country.

Where the government made an assurance that the EPS pension scheme is a better scheme than the government pension scheme and when the government retirees draw a pension of Rs 1,00,000/-pm and an EPS pensioner draws a minimum EPS pension of Rs 1000/-pm the country can not be called a developed country.

When there is a lot of disparity between government pensioners and EPS pensioners the country can not be called a developed country.

When the NPS is paid @ 14 % of salary to government employees , the government does not like to pay even 8.33% of salary of Public and Private sector employees as per Koshisry committee report the country can not be called a developed country.

When the NPS Contribution increased from 10% to 14% for government employees while the 1.16 % being paid on full salaries of PPSU employees is restricted to salary of Rs 15000/-pm only. With such a great disparity where is the social justice and how can the country called a developed country.

An amount of Rs 20 lakh crores allocated to ATHMA NIRBHAR BHARATH but not a single rupee to old aged EPS pensioners. How can the country called a developed country.

Rs 5,00,000 lakh crores per year allocated to food and fertilizer subsidy but not a single rupee to old aged EPS pensioners. Where is the social justice to EPS pensioners.

Your good self will speak on various issues of the country in MAN KI BATH but did not speak on EPS pensioners grievances. Where is the MAN KI BATH of old aged EPS pensioners.

MODI KI GUARANTEE ASLI GUARANTEE. Sir your good self has given guarantee to EPS pensioners twice while our EPS pensioners met you with smt. Hema malini ji, your good self have given guarantee to EPS pensioners but could not do any thing for the welfare of old aged EPS pensioners. We are very much worried that MODI JI KA GUARANTEE will become NAKLI GUARANTEE.

The BJP while in opposition has assured to give Rs 3000/- pm minimum EPS pension with DA and got elected twice to power with the vote bank of EPS pensioners. But I am afraid of losing 30 crores vote bank of EPS pensioners/members and their family members during the 2024 parliament elections as All India EPS pensioners associations have taken a decision NOT TO VOTE BJP in 2024 parliament elections as their grievances have not been attended to by the present government.

The over confidence of the BJP alone defeated in Assembly elections of Himachal Pradesh/Karnataka/Telangana. I am afraid the same may not repeat in parliament elections.

Where justice delayed and justice denayed the country can not be called a developed country.

The Government spends 45 lakh crores per year to various sectors in the country. But Government do not even ready to spend 1% of government budget for old aged EPS pensioners. How can there be social justice and how can the country called a developed country.

Freebies are given to poor those who did naither worked in Organised sector nor paid taxes for their earnings but the government ignored old aged EPS pensioners who worked in Organised sector and paid taxes for their earnings. How can the country be called a developed country.

Where the elected politicians for five years or part of it gets hefty pension while the EPS pensioners after serving for 3 to 4 decades for the development of the country gets a minimum EPS pension of Rs 1000/-pm. How can the country called a developed country.

Sir Finally I would like to state that I always support you for your efforts for the VIKASITH BHARATH.




Hoping for the best.

Yours faithfully

G Narayana.