Supreme Court Adjourns Eps 95 pensioners hearing Case

Dates for hearing are fixed in advance in the Supreme Court.

The very purpose of Advance fixation of dates in any sector is to hold the execution without any disturbance and postponement.

But, what is happening in the Supreme court for many years is this.

The Supreme court countless Adjournments

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Fix the dates for hearing in the Supreme court for one purpose. What is that one purpose is just to postpone.
This is not one case, second case, third case, fourth case, fifth case, countless cases.

Countless adjournments.

There is no end to postponements.
It is infinitive.

Once it is known and treated as infinitive, what is the use of fixing dates for hearing in the Supreme Court.

Everything in any sector has an end.

The Supreme Court Knows abot justice delayed

The Justice delayed is justice denied as per the Indian constitution. It is a known proverb to every citizen of India.

The poor pensioner is praying to the Supreme Court for justice.

This is the heartbeat of the old aged pensioners beyond the age of 65, 70, 75, 80, and so on.

The Supreme Court Judges and Advocates

It seems justice U U Lalit has asked all concerned connected to the case to be present in his chambers on Tuesday as the case will be positively heard and will be finalized, God willing, let us pray to almighty to do justice in our favor.

Dear friends, greetings to all.

After great struggles, our pension case at Supreme Court is posted for hearing from 17-08-2021 Tuesday as Item number 1. continuously up to finalization.

Plz click here to read in Telugu.

Justice UU.Lalith informed the court and advice all to prepare for this.

Appearing from top: 

 judges in the chamber.

1. Justice UU.Lalith

2.justice Ajai Rastogi



2. Mr.Aryama sundaram


4.Mrs.Meenakshi Arora.

5.Mr.Thampa Thoma


Let us hope the best




Note: Let this post get the reach of the related Advocates and judges.

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