Excellent basis for the demand of Minimum Pension

From the pension of G.Srinivasa Rao  This post available in English, Hindi and Telugu. Translated from English to Hindi and Telugu. Please refer to the English version for any clarity English. The National Agitation Committee is demanding Minimum 7,500/- plus D.A. for the last Seven years. 7,500/- is 50% of the present Ceiling of 15,000/- … Read more

Hidden Income | EPFO can pay ₹3000 Minimum Pension as Immediate Relief from its own Resources

Ths post is available in English,Hindi and Telugu. Translated from the English version to Hindi and Telugu. Please refer to the English version for any clarity. Out of 75,58,913 EPS,’95 Pensioners during 2022-2023, 49,54,490 (65.55%) are “Member Pensioners” and the remaining 26,04,423 (34.45%) are “Nominee Pensioners”. Out of 49,54,490 Member Pensioners, 44,83,392 (90.49%) are getting … Read more

Hike of EPS 95 Minimum Pension is essential

This post is in English, Telugu and Hindi. Translated from the English version to Telugu and Hindi. Please refer to the English version for any clarity. Please try to share this post to Sri N.Chandra Babu Naidu from your end also. By email            20th June 2024  chandrababu.tdp@gmail.com nnaidu@ap.gov.in    To By email … Read more

Enhancement of EPS 95 Minimum Pension awaited

(Now opposition is strong enough.If we could able to call Adjournment motion at Loksabha for debate and discussion on EPS95 in reference to earlier discussion as raised by several opposition members, that day we can hope for Enhancement of Minimum Pension, Otherwise not.) Most of the Pensioners raised question that we will vote against NDA, … Read more

DDs for Higher Pension Rejected

This post is in English, Hindi and Telugu. Translated from the English version to Hindi and Telugu. Please refer to English version for any clarity. Submission of “Wage Particulars” from 16-11-1995 to the date of attaining 58 years to P.F. Commissioner, Barkathpura, Hyderabad: The “difference along with interest” was calculated based on the “Wage Particulars” … Read more

EPS 95 Pensioners observations on the Letter of Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner

This post is in English, Hindi and Telugu. Please refer to the English version for any clarity. Certain observations on the Letter of Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh to The Central Provident Fund Commissioner, EPFO Head Quarters, New Delhi: Sri Parveen Kohliji, just a while ago shared the above letter on his … Read more

MP Contestant on behalf of EPS 95 Pensioners from South

NEWS ITEM : FLASH The BJP has failed to implement their Manifesto since last10 yrs specially eps95 pensioners issue even after direct assurance given by Hon.PM Narendra Modi. The NAC under the able leadership of Commander AshokRaut is approaching/fighting like anything to get our Justified Demands. Non of theParliament Members from Telangana&AP have raised the … Read more

7 High Courts are in favor of Pre retirees of 2014 for EPS 95 Higher Pension

As per kerala High Court judgment  Dated  22/02/24 all pre 01/09/14 retirees are eligible for higher EPS PENSION.  All the 7 judgments in various high courts are in favor of Pre 01/09/14 retirees.   2020:KER:10101  WP (C).నం.26944 OF 2019 (P) 11 contribution made to the Employees’ Provident Fund on his gross pay exceeding the salary ceiling … Read more